Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nuff Said

Friday, September 30, 2011

My Nemesis

My nemesis is/was a tooth...LOL. I know some of you are scratching your head on that one. I had a tooth that desperately needed to come out, but I am petrified of having a tooth pulled. I am not bothered by my cleanings or any other type of dental work, just extractions.

This may sound silly to some, but it began to hurt and I would pray just let this thing fall out...LOL. The pain went on for several days and I had no choice but to go to the dentist. Thankfully, he gave me antiobiotics for the infection, he said I had put it off long enough...the tooth had to go. Once again I prayed for it just to fall out...I waited several days and guess what...it was still there.

I finally made the appointment to have it removed. Found a wonderful oral surgeon, that took the time to calm my fears and prescribe me good drugs! Wednesday 8:30 am was "E" Day (extraction day). I prayed before I left the house, Lord I know you are always on time, please let this thing fall out. The hubs and I pull up to the dentist's office, with one last hope I run my tongue to the back of my mouth and the nemesis is still there.

Why did God say NO? Did I not have enough faith? I knew I had more than enough, I have seen so many of his miracles. So, why did He say no? I came to realize that He wanted me to face this fear. Isaiah 41:13-For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

I am not the only one He has ever said no to. He told His own Son no, In Matt. 26:38-44 Christ is praying in the garden of Gethsemane and prays My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will [not what I desire], but as You will and desire. We see in these verses that three times Christ asked the Father to let this cup (His crucifixion and death) to pass away from Him or not let it happen to Him. Although He did add “Not My will but Yours be done”, He did not want to die. So if God told Jesus, His only Son, “No, You have to endure the cross”, what makes us think God will not tell us “No” at times.

God does have a plan for each and everyone one of us. This plan is for our ultimate good, even though what we go through sometimes is awful, God’s plan is good. I do not know if God has ever told you ‘no’ about anything. But if He does, know that He will do it in love.

Know that God loves you beyond what you can understand and He will get you through whatever it is that you must endure. Trust God and know that He has confidence in you and He believes in you enough to know that you will get through this with His help. Do not ever give up for God will see you through.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My First Ramble

First post, where to start and what to say...I believe we all have a calling on our lives, it just takes some of us longer to figure out what it is. Through many trials over the last 7 years I believe I have found mine.

Long story short; I will elaborate when I have some quiet time to share my testimony. Due to circumstances in my life, I believe my calling is to minister to women that are in a relationship with an addict.

The Lord has blessed me beyond measure by putting women in my path that are at the end of their rope with their significant other, due to drug and alcohol addiction. Each time our path's cross, I thank the Lord for ordaining our meeting. I also pray that He gives me the word's that they need to hear and He has been faithful.

I started this blog by accident, well I should rephrase that. I do not believe anything  happens by accident, I know God arranged it and I am sure it is for someone that needs encouragement. I pray that the words of someone that has been there, done that will restore your hope and faith.

Each day I strive to build a stronger relationship with God, to honor him and draw closer to him with each passing day. The most difficult part of my journey was learning to "Let Go and Let God"  I had to get to a place where I truly believed that God's way of working things out was the best way. This was a step in that journey...a journey that I still travel.